Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Exam 2 squared away now.

I think the Exam 2 score is squared away now, for EVERYBODY, even those who threw a blooper on their PID or test form. You have one other other of these two:
  1. disasterized version, 2× 16 scantron questions everybody had + 2× iclicker
    (Those of you who had form C, this is your only grade.)
  2. conventional version, true scantron (out of 35) + true iClicker (out of 5).
Most people had the disasterized version as their better score, so that is the one you get, on account of the proverbial benefit of the doubt.

Also, the "best two midterms" sum is now up to date and final.

That's about it -- I do not think another 37 pieces of flair are necessary for Webcourses2 today.