Thursday, September 30, 2010

S.I. exam review for Exam 2

Here are the specs for Gloria's S.I. exam review session:
Exam 2 Review
Monday, Oct. 4th
8:00 - 10:00 PM
HPA 112
Study guide
Study guide is available in SARC Lab, HPH113, Monday morning, for copies.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homework 11

Homework 11 has been running since 4:30 PM. It is due on Friday, as usual.

Sec. 0002 will take Exam 2 next Friday.

Afternoon Sec. 0002, we will take Exam 2 next Friday.

Morning section 0001, you will take Exam 2 on Wednesday, same as in the syllabus.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

CPS study guides

Several new CPS study guides from last week and this week are now UP.

Homework 10 is ready.

Homework 10 is ready for you now. For additional challenge, it contains a real brain burner of the Chuck Norris variety. Good.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Uploading data for afternoon section only

There were a few CPS sessions last week that the afternoon section had but not the morning section. These sessions were to make up for a Friday afternoon lecture before Exam 1. I am uploading the afternoon data now. So you guys in morning section 0001 will have zeroes in the "L11 (sec.0002) makeup" slots, but fear not: you are already ahead.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Homework, lovely homework

To augment your weekend pleasure and recreation, I have activated a momentum homework assignment, due on Monday. It is Homework #9.

I will have some green jello questions on HW #10, next Monday, so make sure to read up on chapter 6!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Doc cam PDFs are UP.

You can now view the doc cam PDF files from both Monday lectures. They are the guts of both lectures on Monday, and the iTunes U podcast is oriented to them.

I am still catching up on various grading chores -- CPS, exam 1 mess-ups etc. -- so bear with me.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Homework 7 is ready!

You have a quick homework assignment on elementary concepts of the theory of universal gravitation, as discussed in lecture on Monday. This homework assignment, Homework #7, is due on Wednesday at the beginning of lecture.

Your exam 1 scores are up.

In your My Grades page on Webcourses, you can now view both parts of your exam 1 score plus the exam 1 total.
Exam 1
..Exam 1 scantron
..Exam 1 SMA
The SMA and scantron subscores add up to the "Exam 1" total.

Note: if you messed up on PID or the clicker questions, you might temporarily have a zero in the "..Exam 1 scantron" or the "..Exam 1 SMA" row. We will try to get tht data double-checked and into your My Grades page in the next week or so.

Friday, September 17, 2010

No lecture today.

We are still waiting for our scantron results from Wednesday's exam, so let's take this Friday off.

No lecture today, both sections.

I set up a short concept guide for you on the gravitational concepts of chapter 5, so you can use it for reading ahead. It is on the Webcourses home page.

See you all on Monday for regular lecture, normal times.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Create a question for Exam 1, bonus points.

As a bonus points opportunity, there is a new area in Discussions, "Suggest a question for Exam 1 (bonus)," in which you may post a question of your own creation.
  1. The post's Subject heading should be a short description of the concept.
  2. It must be multiple choice format, covering a concept we have studied.
  3. The correct option must be marked with an * asterisk.
  4. Skip two lines below the question and type in the chapter and page number where a classmate can study up on this concept. Alternatively, you can type in the day in which lecture covered this concept.
  5. If your question is good enough to use on Exam 1, you will get 1 bonus point.
We will be reading and commenting as you type in your questions, so make it a good one.

The entire set of suggested questions and comments will be a nice study tool for Exam 1.

Be creative!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Brace for impact

We will have a semi-lecture today, about 30 minutes, followed by a mini-review using our CPS devices. The mini-review will help you prepare for midterm 1.

Brace for impact.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

CPS from Friday

I will be uploading the Friday CPS scores for morning Sec. 0001, but afternoon students, you will get those CPS questions on Monday. So for the weekend, you will temporarily have a zero in the "L8,L9" row on your My Grades page. It will get filled in normally after Monday afternoon lecture, L9.

Homework 6

Homework 6 will become active at 9:30 AM.

Both sections, you want to read through the second half of chapter 4, concerning projectile motion, to get some extra concepts in place for homework assignment #6. Also the Friday morning lecture in iTunes U is good.

Friday, September 10, 2010

No afternoon class today

Brueckner family emergency. Sorry, no lecture this afternoon.

Homework will be up by lunchtime, Saturday. Stay tuned for announcements.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Homework is GO for launch.

You may now try Homework 5, for some basic questions plus a few brain burners.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

S.I. review for Exam 1

Next Monday evening, Gloria will hold a special S.I. review session for all PSC1121ers. Here are the specs:
Exam 1 Review
Monday, Sept. 13
7:00 - 9:00 P.M.
Location: Nicholson Communication, COMM101

Gloria will follow the regular S.I. schedule as well.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Homework 4

Lovely homework for your long weekend, HW 4 is now available for your brain-burning pleasure. It is due Wednesday at the beginning of lecture.

Which chapters to study, and when to study them?

We discussed chapters and so forth in Friday afternoon lecture, but the morning students also need the scoop. The syllabus does not have the entire semester scheduled out by chapter and so forth. Many instructors do that; I do not.

I always mention the new chapter in lecture. The other day I mentioned that we are in chapter 3 now. That is normally all that I do.

However, I can tell you the list of chapters:
  1. 2-8
  2. 11-13
  3. 15 and 19 as mini-chapters -- i.e., we only dip into a subset of each of these chapters.
  4. 20-22
  5. 23-25 another set of mini-chapters.
Some of the chapters we will go through slowly, others rapidly.

For midterm exam 1, the questions will cover chapters 2-4 and maybe a bit of chapter 5, everything we get to in lectures up until 9/13.

So you can start reading ahead into chapter 4 if you would like to get a head start. We tackle it next week, and we now have most of the basic concepts down that we'll need for chapter 4.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cold front vs. hurricane

You have heard about Alien vs. Predator?

Freddy vs. Jason?

Well, how about Jet Stream vs. Earle?

This cold front looks like it will not dip across Florida. So we are still vulnerable. But once the jet stream dips a little further south, and those cold fronts start sliding strongly through the FLorida peninsula, then we will be safe for the year.

But right now, yup, more storms being made off the coast of West Africa, a hurricane factory. The storm freight train of the North Atlantic rolls on.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Contact me only in Webcourses with course mail.

Please remember to use course mail in Webcourses to contact me privately. I do not use conventional email during the semester.

Homework 3 is ready.

As promised, HW assignment 3 is ready by lunch time today. It opens for business at 12:45 PM. Go make a few attempts and be ready for a brain burner. Look inside the red pickup truck icon on the Webcourses home page.

As with all assignments, this HW is due at the beginning of you nextr lecture, Friday. GO GO GO!

Freight train keeps on rolling.

Uh oh! Now there are four storms on the North Atlantic freight train.