Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bonus points up; CPS due date, Sept. 8

We will start taking regular CPS points "for real" on Monday, Sept. 8, so try to get your clicker registered by then.

For those of you who get registered before that and bring your clicker to class, we will take one bonus point per day. This is my normal practice whilst you all get used to clicking.

AND: I just posted the Friday bonus point for about 34 of you who were clicking away on Friday. SWEEEEEET.

Widget for Mac OS 10.5 Leopard users

I just created a Dashboard widget for Mac OS 10.5 Leopard users. It works like a simple RSS viewer that lets you keep an eye on the top few posting in this Announcements Blogspot. It is very efficient for checking. Clicking one of the

Unzip it and click on it to start it up and install in Dashboard. When you look on your Dashboard, the PSC1121 Announcements widget looks like this

Look for it on the home page in Webcourses. It is a zip file, 191 Kb.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

CPS technical support

The eInstruction company that makes our CPS units, they have excellent technical support:
  1. for online chat and FAQ
  2. Telephone hotline, 888-333-4988
They are on the Texas time zone.

Their tech support is top notch. If there is something hinky with your registration process, they can get it straightened out on the phone or chat.

I was just in chat with them about registration fees, and they answered my question quickly. Your registration fee is $13 per semester no matter how many courses use CPS, and then $13 per semester until you hit $39, at which point you get free service for life. So that is potentially 3 semesters in a row before the fee goes to zero.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ten in CPS so far

OK, we have ten of youse guys so far in the CPS database. Excellent.

We will give it a go tomorrow in class, a test flight. get your clicker registered up by lecture and you'll be able to participate.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Syllabus and CPS signups are UP

You can now go to Webcourses and
  1. snag a syllabus PDF if you did not get one in lecture, and
  2. register your blue-and-white CPS clicker.
Note: in the "step 2" of CPS registration, we do not have an enrollment code or anything like that, so skip to the third step.