Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Exam 2, the never ending story

In my effort to give everyone the proverbial benefit of the doubt on Exam 2 scores, I wanted to set everyone's Exam 2 score to be the higher of these two methods:
  1. Doubles: double the clicker score (10 points possible), double the scantron scores on the sixteen questions everyone got to answer, even Form C students (32 points possible);
  2. Regular: regular iClicker score (5 points possible), regular scantron score (35 points possible, but only for forms A, B and D.
I thought I had separated the two methods and posted the higher of the two. However, a handful of you have reported to me individually that your "doubles" was actually better but that the "regular" had been posted as the official Exam 2 score. I thought I had caught all of them, but apparently not.

So... I will try to get it all squared away again today. And as I work on it all, I will repeat this five times, "Webcourses2 is my friend... Webcourses2 is my friend..." :D