Wednesday, August 31, 2011

L5 data are up for afternoon section 0002.

Students in afternoon section 0002 may now view today's clicker data in their My Grades page on Webcourses.

L5 clicker scores are up, for morning section.

I just uploaded the iClicker scores for today, for section 0001. Look toward the bottom of the page, where you'll see the "L5 answered" and "L5 correct" rows.

Every time we use clickers, I will upload the data in this manner.

You guys in Sec. 0002, you'll have to wait til after lecture, maybe tonight, to see your clicker data. So hold your horses, but be ready for clicking in class at 1:30 PM!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

S.I. schedule

Gloria Scott just gave me the Supplemental Instruction schedule. Here it is:

Monday10:30 - 11:20 AMHPA 110
Tuesday12:00 - 12:50 PMMAP 407
Tuesday4:30 - 5:20 PMCL1 212
Wednesday5:30 - 6:20 PMCL1 212

As always, S.I. is optional: make it if you possibly can. It will help with your semester grade.

Shorebird migrates through Hurricane Irene –

Interesting article about distance scales relative to Orlando. We study climate objects like North Icelandic Jet and Hurricane Irene that operate on scales that reach from West Africa to Iceland. This bird actually flies on the same distance scales. Amazing.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Grade book

The grade book seems to be having conniptions today, like last week. So your early clicker bonus point will have to wait until tomorrow (Tuesday) before it shows up on your My Grades page.

This morning's experiment

Here is a quick YouTube of our experiment with Asa this morning: what is his motion on the skateboard, in terms of distance, time and speed?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Friday lecture, oooops!

For some reason, we lost the recording of the Friday morning podcast. But no worry. I always record the afternoon lecture, too, and it is now up in iTunes U.

So everybody, both sections, listen to the Aug. 22 afternoon lecture in iTunes U.

HW 2 is ready to go now.

Sorry... I was making some calculations concerning the North Icelandic Jet, so Homework 2 was delayed til now.

But it is ready to go now. GO GO GO!

HW 2

We are doing some family sports activity this morning, and so Homework 2 will be delayed a few hours, so maybe 2 PM or 3 PM. Stay tuned.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is it registered?

I just added a row to your My Grades page in Webcourses. It indicates whether your i>Clicker 2 is registered and on the roster yet; L2 bonus point if any, is on a different line. I updated this afternoon about 5 PM. I will update this row tomorrow afternoon again, after the afternoon lectures.

Bring that i>Clicker 2 tomorrow.

230 or so

It looks like about 230 or so have registered i>Clicker 2 now. Bunches of bonus points tomorrow, IF you bring the clicker and do some of that practice clicking.

L2 bonus UP, afternoon section

Youse guys in the afternoon section 0002, your L2 early clicker bonus point is now UP.... but only if you have registered your ci>Clicker 2 is registered through Webcourses. Many of you have done so.

Observatory visits, open to all

Robinson Observatory will continue its (approximately) weekly Open Houses. All are welcome to bring family and friends and look through our telescopes.

The schedule for the fall semester is here:

Do note that we do close for weather but we don't generally announce that until relatively late on the day. Check the website for last minute announcements to avoid an unnecessary drive. Directions to the observatory can be found on the website.

Hurricane Irene side effects today?

Just looked at satellite imagery and analysis of Hurricane Irene. We might start getting some rain bands today as it moves north, parallel to the coast.

Afternoon sec. 0002 bonus points sometime today

It looks like maybe lunchtime today that I will be getting to the bonus point from early i>Clicker2 registration for sec. 0002 (afternoon). Fear thou not! :D

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Section one bonus is UP.

You guys in sec. 0001 who registered your i>Clicker 2 in Webcourses before class today and who clicked in a few of those tough questions, your bonus point is now UP on your My Grades page in Webcourses. It is in the row marked "L2 early clicker bonus." There were 22 of youse who snagged the bonus.


Sec. 0002, I will synch the roster right before lecture, so be ready to click like maniacs in lecture this afternoon! Whoever
  1. is registered through Webcourses, and
  2. clicks in lecture this afternoon,
will earn the bonus point.


Whoever has iClicker2 serial number #81DFB9E7: your device is not registered yet. Make sure to register it in Webcourses, and then you will collect bonus points. Without registration in Webcourses, no nothing!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Getting to the visual podcasts.

Here is a short Youtube about getting into our iTunes U area.

All the visual content from lecture is embedded and viewable in each podcast: Every equation, diagram, outline, photo etc. is viewable and reviewable.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Textbook data

Fall semester textbook data:
Physical Science, 9th ed.
Edition:9TH 11
ISBN: 9780073512211