Thursday, March 31, 2011

CF News 13 live chat

This live "chat" with cable channel 13 is decent weather info.
  2. Good radar map from Melbourne.

Exam 3 rescheduled for Thursday sec. 0M02

CHANGE OF PLAN: Exam 3 today is rescheduled for next Thursday for sec. 0M02. No class today only.

Sec. 0M01 will test on schedule, next Tuesday.

Stay safe and keep your eyes on the skies.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Micro Burst Winter Park -- but PSC1121 exams go on!

In times of danger, storms and upheaval, PSC1121 goes on, with unstoppable p = mv momentum.

Micro Burst Winter Park FL. - iWitness Weather Photos and Video Photo

See you tomorrow for Exam 3.

Doc cam replacement in iTunes U

For those of you trying to decipher the doc cam segment of last Thursday's podcast, I fixed up a replacement mini-podcast for you. It is located in iTunes U, under the tab labeled "Podcasts for both sections."


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

HW 15 is operating now.

Sorry -- I got caught up in a meeting til 5 PM, so Homework 15 has been hiding until now. But it is operating now, ready to be crushed.

Also, the lecture podcast for today will be ready to view in iTunes U in a few minutes. It is uploading right now.

One more SSG to sign up for

We have one last SSG to sign up for. GO GO GO!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

GO for signups in SSG

You all are now GO for signups. Look for the blue SSG icon on the Webcourses home page.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

SSG signups looking good for Sunday evening start

Everything is nearly ready, so it looks like SSG signups will be activated after supper on Sunday evening.

Keep your eyeballs O P E N.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Homework 14 is ON.

You can now light into Homework 14, in Webcourses... after you glance over chapter 15 for a few waves concepts.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Podcast, CPS and doc cam are UP.

Today's lecture podcast is now viewable through iTunes U.

The CPS data for today are UP.

And today's doc cam PDF is up, in the George McFly folder.

Homework 14 will be ready by lunchtime Friday, if not sooner.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

S.I. review next week

Gloria Scott's special S.I. review session will be next week, to get you ready for Exam 3, viz.
Wednesday, March 30
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Classroom Building 1, CL1-104

Gloria tells me that normal S.I. sessions will also proceed next week on the usual schedule.


From a few semesters ago, atmospheric pressure crushing power.


Homework 13 ready

Your homework assignment #13 is now ready, and be prepared to have your brains burned to a crackly crunch.

Also, iTunes U has today's podcast up and ready to view.

There was no CPS in today's lecture, but on Thursday, there will be!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Japan quake felt in South Florida's water supply: South Florida's underground wells picked up tremors from Japan's earthquake -

Japan quake felt in South Florida's water supply: South Florida's underground wells picked up tremors from Japan's earthquake -

This is an interesting report on seismic waves from the Japan megathrust event. It took 30 minutes to get to Florida. How fast did these waves travel, in meters per second? Seems like a nifty chapter 15 homework exercise. YAY.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

William Hung and Homework 12.

You can follow the William Hung icon on our Webcourses home page to get to HW 12, which is now running.

So now there are two homework assignments running, the reprise of HW 11 and now HW 12. Both are due on Tuesday, 10:30 AM.

HW 11 do-over; homework 12 by lunchtime tomorrow.

I am setting today's CPS data into Webcourses and uploading the visual podcast of today's lecture into iTunes U. They should be ready in a few minutes.

But Homework 12 will be ready a bit later, maybe tonight, and latest by lunchtime on Friday.

Due to cache delays on the portal yesterday, I will open up the HW11 for a 5th attempt, in case you missed out on it yesterday.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New, smaller version of podcast from Tuesday

The Tuesday podcast I made up last night was digital video, an enormous file. YUKKKK.

So today, I took some time and took a back door to cobble together an enhanced audio version, much smaller and easier to download. I hope by tomorrow that I have the microphone issue worked out, and I can get back to the normal compact enhanced audio podcasts without using alternate methods.

The new small podcast is uploading right now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Standing waves demonstration

We recorded a demonstration today to digital video. It shows a few examples of standing waves, which you can also read about if you dip forward into chapter 15.

I will probably upload this digital video in high definititon to iTunes U tomorrow.

Homework 11 is running; podcast is UP.

Homework 11 is running, and it covers a few of the concepts of chapter 11, including pressure calculations, P = Force/Area.

Today's podcast is a digital video, due to the trouble I had with microphones and my usual podcasting software. It is uploading now and will be available in a few minutes.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Are you ready to get back on our climb up the mountain?

I had a great Spring Break: worked in my garden, took a few hikes, got in some extra ZZZZZ... and only about 5 minutes of UCF-related activity. YAY.

See you all in lecture!! Let's go!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pendulum code

In lecture 12R, a few Thursdays ago, we had a code question concerning the momentum state of a pendulum. I just reconstructed the conventional sentences from your code answers, and they are UP in Webcourses now.

Friday, March 4, 2011

SSG points will be in a separate row.

When you get SSG bonus points, it will show up in a separate row of your My Grades page. It is not formally part of the Exam 2 score, but you can think of it that way if you like. It's kind of like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich -- the peanut butter and jelly get all smooshed up together with enzymes etc. in your stomach, and by the end of the semester the SSG bonus points will all be smooshed together into your semester points total, even if Exam 2 is the midterm exam that we drop.

All scantron scores are up, Section 0M02.

Exam 2 scores are now complete, for the majority of both sections. Exceptions: messed up scantrons etc. that need to be hand graded.

There will be an optional homework, not for a grade, just some reading, over the spring break.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


The Exam 2 data are IN for Tuesday section 0M01. I am working with it. However, the Exam 2 total column is discombobulated and tough to fix quickly.

But I will fix it.

Suffice it to say that your Exam 2 total is the sum of the Exam 2 SMA and the Exam 2 scantron subscores. Webcourses cannot add them up right now.... but YOU can!