Friday, October 30, 2009

Homework 18 is ready.

Homework 18 is ready to go active at 5:00 PM today. It is due on Monday at the usual times.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lecture UP

Wednesday's lecture is now UP on iTunes U. New music.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Homework 17 ready for tonight.

Homework 17 is ready to go active at 5 PM this afternoon. It is due on Friday at the normal time.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Biographical spec sheet

I just set up a biographical spec sheet about Thales of Miletus and good old Avogadro. It is in the Homework folder. Wednesday night's homework will query you about the Thales and Avogadro information, but you can read up on it starting now.

My current rheory about Avogadro: he was a space alien. Just look at that portrait, at left!

Homework 16 is rolling.

OK, homework 16 is rolling. It is about today's lecture concerning molecules, and it contains a brain-burner. It is due Wednesday at the regular time.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Exam 2 scantron scores are UP.

Exam 2 scores came in earlier this time. They are now UP in Webcourses, in the "..Exam 2 scantron" line of your My Grades page.

As before, some of you have not bubbled in your PID correctly or forgot to bubble in the test form, so there are a few handfuls of you with a zero. It is going to take some time before I dig out your exam and scantron and grade it by hand.

Some of you brought up your exam score nicely. Good.

No lecture this Friday.

I will be away from main campus today on university business. No class today, but make sure to get that mini-homework 15 squared away.

See you next Monday, Oct. 26 for regular lecture.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

iTunes U situation

We are still working on the iTunes U situation.

Note: you guys are focused on that bonus point, but the real payoff comes if and when we execute the Friday strategy. That is what Chuck Norris and I are looking at.

Diagnostic test bonus (from August)

I finally updated the promised bonus points for taking the diagnostic test way back on the first week of classes. Look in your My Grades page.

Yay. And now Godzilla can get back to work, "protecting" the citizens of Tokyo.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

SMA scores are up; new podcast

Your SMA points are now UP in Webcourses. Look on your My Grades page for the "..Exam 2 SMA" line. The "Exam 2.39 answer" line further down the page shows your actual answer on the SMA problem #39 -- correct answers are denoted by the + sign. There were a few students with "dna" also.

Hmmmm.... Afternoon section: three women got #39 correct, and only one of the men! Morning section, majority female on #39. What the?!

I spent a few minutes podcasting up the solution to #39 on today's exam. It was a brain burner of the nth degree, so if you were one of the top 4% of students who snagged it, you should feel confident! Take a look at iTunes U... it is actually a video, not an enhanced audio like lecture.

See you at lecture on Friday.

iTunes U and the "disk locked" error message

For Windows Vista users getting the "disk locked" error message, there is some hope. I just received this feedback from the iTunes U administrator.
I've been doing some testing in Vista and haven't been able to replicate this problem myself, but I found some other people running into this issue. This should just requires changing the permissions on their iTunes Music folder in their home directory.

They can get to it by going to Computer -> Local Disk (C:) -> Users -> {Their User Folder} -> Music. If they right-click on the iTunes folder, choose Properties, then go to the Security tab, they can modify the permissions for this folder.

For more information on permissions of a folder, they can go to the Start Menu -> Help and Support -> search for 'folder permissions'

This site has some step-by-step instructions on changing folder permissions:

OK, see if you can mess with that after today's midterm exam.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gloria's review sheet is UP.

Gloria Scott gave me an advance copy of her review page for tonight's S.I. review. I converted it to PDF and parked it in the Gloria Scott Zone in Webcourses. it also has the answers listed. Good.

Look for the yellow icon.

Mini-homework 15

Some of you have asked for a homework assignment on the chapter 11 concepts we discussed on Monday.

Being generous, I have set up a mini-assignment on ideal gas concepts, Homework 15. Look for it in the usual place. It will be due Friday at the beginning of lecture, as usual, but you can hit it tonight for some last minute study, because yesterday's lecture will be on Exam 2.

Podcasts are UP

YAY. Podcasting mania day is now OVER. All your guys' podcasts from last week, except Oct. 16, are now up. My iPod misfired on Friday, so we will not have a podcast for it.

Podcasting mania day

Today is catch up day for lecture podcasting. I just uploaded yesterday's lecture podcast, and I will work my way back in time to Oct. 12... hopefully by lunchtime.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Two more SSG groups will open at 7 PM tonight

Last chance SSG's will open for signups at 7 PM. There are two more and that's it. So get your supper finished and then be ready to sign up.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

There are some new SSG groups that have spaces -- I was trying to decipher some illegible handwriting, but the offending SSG leaders have reported in.

So if you have not gotten a spot on a special study group yet, you take another look. These new ones might fit your schedule.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Special study groups signups now ACTIVATED

The signup sheet is now up and running for special study groups to get you ready for exam 2.

Look for the blue SSG icon in Webcourses.

Sign up fast, because there are way fewer special study groups than I was hoping to get, and that means fewer spaces.

Bad news in podcast

My iPod only recorded 13 minutes of yesterday afternoon's podcast. So the lecture podcast is not going to be very helpful! DANG!!!

However, Monday's and Wednesday's lectures will be podcasted normally, later this weekend.

Homework 14 is ready.

I set up a big homework centered on a rotating system. It is Homework 14, available now in Webcourses.

I like it because it also reviews some of the basics of chapters 6 and 7, but in a rotational context. There are several calculations, so each attempt will generate new numbers to calculate with. Read carefully.

Because it is a super review with some nitty gritty calculations, I have set it to give you unlimited attempts. This will let you totally hone your calculation skills in preparation for Exam 2. Nice.

Friday, October 16, 2009

CPS data are up for today.

Your data for today's CPS session are UP in Webcourses.

Afternoon section, we have rectified the scoring difficulty caused by the beach ball incident. WHEWWWW!!!! Afternoon students make sure you eyeball the L23 study guide PDF and that will verify the additional concepts.

HW 13 re-run; HW 14 by noon Sat.

You can go back in on Homework 13 for more attempts on the calculations. Good for practice.

This re-run will close out at 5 PM on Monday.

By the way, Homework 14, a big one, will be ready for everybody by noon Saturday, if not sooner. It will be due at the normal times in the morning for Sec. 0001 and in the afternoon for Sec. 0002.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

SSG leader invitations are out

The SSG leader invitations are out. If you receive it, RSVP according to the directions in the invitation.


S.I. review session

Gloria's Supplemental Review Session:
Tuesday, October 20
Classroom Building 1, Room 105
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Very valuable if you can make it.

HW 13


Homework 13 for morning section 0001 was inadvertently set to expire at 9:30 AM, instead of the usual 10:30 AM. My error. I will rectify this over the weekend... extra practice for the exam.

Afternoon section 0002, you guys should be OK.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Another bonus podcast

I am going to create a new bonus podcast for you, with corresponding homework, by the weekend. If you have not gotten onto the iTunes U active list yet, better get hustling.

New iTunes U bonus

I just uploaded a bonus point for 112 more students.

So far, morning section 0001 is ahead, which means that, if we execute the secret Friday plan, it would be section 0001 that gets first dibs.
 Section 0001Section 0002
on iTunes U 131 75
on iTunes U (%) 0.642 0.581
slackers 73 54
slackers (%) 0.358 0.419

You guys in section 0002, you had better get hustling.

Next iTunes U bonus points update will be Tuesday next week.

L21 and HW

I just finished uploading L21 data from yesterday. Plus, I did some housekeeping in the My Grades page, so HW and CPS numbers ought to be spiffed up properly.

Doc cam files and CPS study guides are squared away.

This morning, I am going to look at the iTunes U weekly usage spreadsheet, which I received last night. I sift out the NIDs in our two lecture sections and use the NIDs to verify your activity. I will see which section is closer to our secret Friday plan. Your iTunes bonus point might be updated today.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Homework 13 ready

Your next homework assignment, #13, will go active at 4:20 PM this afternoon. I will be due at the normal times on Wednesday.

Note: several of the exercises in this HW are calculations, so the numeric data given changes each time you take it. I have set the number of attempts to UNLIMITED, so that you can practice on all the various data combinations until you feel super confident.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Homework 12 with a real brain burner about conservation ot total mechanical energy

Your homework #12 is now UP, due Monday at the usual time. It contains some basic exercises and then a brain burner concerning Fig. 7-12. Read carefully.

Since the brain burner, question 6, is a real tough one, I am giving you unlimited attempts. Remember, the brain burner has different values for the physical quantities each time you attempt it, so read carefully. You can use it for practice with each new value.

Final note: Read carefully!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

iTunes U updated; classwork and homework

I will try to work on Exam 1 odds and ends tonight.

For now, your visual podcast of Wednesday's lecture is up in iTunes U. Also, I have updated miscellaneous homework and CPS data in your My Grades page in Webcourses.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Appears to be a "Modern Marvels" episode about dams tonight on History Channel. I am sure they will talk about Grand Coulee Dam and other hydroelectric dams. Good.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

iTunes U bonus

I just posted a 1 or a 0 to your My Grades page in Webcourses:
  1. no GET or SUBSCRIBE activity on iTunes U before October 5.
  2. has subscribed to the visual podcast or clicked the GET button.
This is a bonus point on your semester grade, so it's like another point on an exam.

Right now we have 94 out of 337 students fully active on the iTunes U podcast service.

The rest of youse guys, get your you-know-whats on the iTunes U service. You won't show up on the active list until you GET or SUBSCRIBE. Here are the instructions for doing so.

P.S. I only get the iTunes U stats once per week, so the next time I can scan for your NID is next Tuesday.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bonus podcast and bonus HW are ready!

BONUS Procedure:

  1. View the bonus podcast on vectors by hitting the SUBSCRIBE or GET button. Full directions here.
  2. Hit Bonus Homework 101 in Webcourses, for which you will have two attempts.
Bonus points will go into the homework line of your My Grades page. So, if you missed a 4-question HW assignment in September these 4 points can boost you back up.

No lecture today; bonus podcast and HW

Due to a family emergency Dr. B must cancel his lectures for today, Monday, Oct. 5, for morning section 0001 and afternoon section 0002. We will return to regular lectures on Wednesday, Oct. 7.

There will be a special bonus podcast in iTunes U later today, and it will form the basis of instruction for a bonus HW assignment, due Wednesday. Keep your eye on Announcements.

See you on Wednesday. Be careful out there.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wednesday and Friday lectures are UP in iTunes U.

The visual podcasts for Wednesday and Friday are now available. I added a few extra diagrams to Friday's podcast.

Hit the GET or SUBSCRIBE button in iTunes U to download all the diagrams, equations and doc cam images in the artwork track.

Homework 10 is UP.

Your homework assignment #10 is now UP in Webcourses.

I designed it to be boring, logical and predictable, but with a brain burner in there to keep you on your toes.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Homework 10 will be ready by noon Saturday

Be ready for HW 10 by noon Saturday.

CPS data for afternoon section 0002 are now UP in Webcourses.

CPS data are UP.

The CPS session from Wednesday, is now UP in Webcourses. I have published the study guide for the afternoon version, since the morning section got all discombobulated. But I rectified the answered and correct figures for you morning students, so that squares you away.

Also, today's L17 data for morning section 0001 are UP.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Doc cam files are up for M and W

The doc cam files are now up for Monday and Wednesday lectures.

Homework 9 is ready

Your assignment for Friday, Homework 9, is now UP in Webcourses.

You will be building up a full picture of an interaction from the viewpoint of momentum.