Wednesday, November 30, 2011

iClicker points

I have a bunch of catching up to do in i>Clicker 2 data. Keep an eye on that on your My Grades page over the next few days.

Gloria's S.I. review schedule for final exams

Here are the specs for Gloria's final exam prep S.I. review:
Saturday, Dec. 3
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Student Union, Key West room 218
covering material from Exam 1, 2
Sunday, Dec. 4
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Student Union, Pegasus Ballroom
covering material from Exams 3, 4 and new material

Gloria's power point files and practice tests will be posted this Thursday or Friday, at he Google website,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Icy finger of doom. Excellent.

Excellent video of ice forming, salt separating out. Sorry, I could not figure out how to embed the video, but it is pretty nice.

BBC Nature - 'Brinicle' ice finger of death filmed in Antarctic

Monday, November 28, 2011

Homework 25, Mount Vesuvius

Homework 25, concerning magma pressure underneath Mt. Vesuvius, is now ready!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Who has #8004D753 for an iClicker serial number?

If your i>Clicker 2 has serial number


then you had better re-register it in Webcourses. It is not registered and it will not correlate to your semester grade without registration. The i>Clicker 2 software cannot handle unregistered clickers.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Homework and iClicker pointage

The conversion of your iClicking and homework to pointage on your semester grade is getting down to the wire. I have just activate the iClicker pointage row of your My Grades page in Webcourses.

The iClicker pointage is tricky to compute correctly in Webcourses, because it is not a real spreadsheet. For this reason, I cannot totally guarantee that your iClicker pointage will not change as we click through the last lectures of the semester. But for now, it is looking OK.

You can add up best three midterms, HW and iClicker pointage, then divide by 160 for your percentage going into the final exam.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fast fast fast

Amazing. Today the test scoring center is moving fast FAST FAST! I can hardly believe it is the same red stapler guys.

Anyway, the afternoon section's scantron data will be up in Webcourses directly. Good.

Exam 4 scores, best 3 midterms are UP.

Students in the morning section, you can now see what your best three midterm exams are, a few lines below the score for Exam 4.

Students in afternoon section, your "best three midterms" will not be kosher until we get your exam 4 grades back. They are still in the possession of the red stapler guys in test scoring. Maybe by tomorrow we will have them back.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Which form of light seems most interesting in this video?

Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS from Michael König on Vimeo.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bonus point questions OPEN

I just opened up the bonus point opportunity in Discussions.
  1. Construct a multiple choice question about a concept from the covered chapters and lectures.
  2. Label the correct option with an * asterisk.
  3. Below the question, skip a few lines and then type in the day of lecture, the homework assignment, or the page in the textbook that gave rise to your question -- this way other students can study up on this concept.
  4. In the "Subject:" box, type in a short phrase that describes the concept in your question.
  5. If your question is good enough to use on the exam, I will award you a bonus point, plus
    1. you will already know the right answer to it (one question on the exam guaranteed that you know the answer), and
    2. so will anyone who studies through this discussion area!
Take a look at my example question, be creative and make your question a good one.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sorry for SSG delay

We had a football injury in my family today, trip to doctor for stitches etc.


The SSG signups did not get activated at noon as I expected. However, I will get them opened at 7 PM, tomorrow night, 7 PM, and this time for sure!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Isotope in the news

Radioactive iodine, 131I, in the news.

Nuke agency reports unusual radiation in Europe
Associated Press
Vienna, Austria
The International Atomic Energy Agency says the "very low levels of iodine-131 have been measured in the atmosphere over the Czech Republic" and elsewhere on the continent.
Look at and see if you can tell why the last sentence in this article mentions a specific number of days.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Volcanic outgassing, Canary Islands

Carbon dioxide. Notice the dead fish -- maybe too much CO2 dissolved in the water?

SSG signups will commence on Saturday at noon.

Signups for special study groups (SSG) will commence on Saturday at noon.

For now, you can look over the schedules of the groups and see which group fits your schedule. Then on Saturday at noon, I will set the group size to 7, and you'll be able to sign up.

Gloria's S.I. review prior to Exam 4

Give the S.I. review session a try, if you really want to crush Exam 4.

Exam 4 S.I. Review
Monday, Nov. 14
7:00 - 9:00 PM
MAP260, Math and Physics Bldg.

  1. Gloria's review sheet and study guide will be posted by Sunday evening.
  2. To find out when the final exam review is, come to S.I.!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Homework 23

You can begin homework assignment #23 now. It will go over several of the concepts in chapter 17 related to lecture. Make sure you have done the reading before you burn through all of your attempts.

Image: lunar meteorite NWA 032

Friday, November 4, 2011


There seems to be a gap in the podcast for morning lecture, mainly during the iClicker questions. So just wait it out and my voice will come back in when the notes return.

ALSO: You could listen in on the afternoon lecture.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Special office hours for Rylee

Rylee will be having a set of special office hours next week on Tuesday afternoon from 3-5 at the Starbucks in the Bookstore! This is on account of classes being cancelled today for football.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Homework 21

We are on a roll, more lovely homework! Homework 21 is due on Friday at the beginning of your lecture, as usual.

Image: Allende meteorite