Monday, October 31, 2011

Homework, so handy and yet so lovely

More homework will activate at 3 PM today: Homework 20, concerning bonds between atoms etc.

It is due on Wednesday, at the beginning of your lecture, as usual.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Homework 19

You can now view the mini-study guide for homework 19 over the weekend. Look in Nitro's homework folder on the Webcourses homepage.

Exam 3 scores are all UP.

Exam 3 clicker and scantron scares are now UP, for both sections.

Lecture today is ON.

Morning section, you have homework, even though we got locked out.

Afternoon section, we will have lecture as usual, and this time let the early birds from Sec. 0001 catch up with you instead of the other way around.

Image: Action photo of student from PSC1121 morning section today.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Exam 3 is in the pipeline.

I have started looking at the clicker data for both sections and the scantrons are cooking. More on Friday, hopefully sooner.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh, boy!

What a test you will have tomorrow! All I can say is: make sure your cranium muscle is ready!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Bonus point opportunity

The special discussion area is now open for earning bonus points with a GOOD question of your own creation.


NOW the two groups are ready

NOW you can get into the two new SSG's. Look for the blue and white icon in the Webcourses home page.

Sorry for the delay.

Noon or so, two more SSG's to sign up for

About noon today, we expect to have two additional SSG's running, for which you can sign up.

So be ready at noon or so. We will announce it here, then open it for signups.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

HW 18 is ready!

You can now tackle quantum physics concepts in Homework 18. It has a YouTube that you should view:

GO for SSG signups, noon today!

  1. SSG signups activate at noon today for the first group, as discussed in lecture on Friday. Click into the SSG folder on the course home page, and you will see this blue and white SSG icon in the SSG folder when you are cleared for signups.
  2. You all in the second group, you will be activated for signups at 6 PM, Sunday evening.... if there are any spaces left!

Friday, October 21, 2011

SSG signups, Saturday midday

I expect to activate SSG signups for the first group of students about midday on Saturday. Be ready to move fast around noon or so and make sure you snag a spot in a good SSG.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Homework 17 is running now.

You can now get to work on HW 17. It is due as usual, on Friday, at the start of your lecture.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weirdness in HW 15

I corrected a typo in Homework 15 this morning, changing "proton" to →→ "proton 1" and it goofed up the scoring for some reason.

To correct for it, the do-over in tonight's HW 16 is for 8 points, double what it was for HW 15. If I can't get it squared away on HW 15, then do not fret about it. I will adjust the points total at the end of the semester, and even if I were not to do so, 4 points out of a few hundred is not going to change anyone's HW pointage by much if anything.


Homework 16 is ready.

All brain-burners! But are you ready for it? Will you get Rick Roll'd or will it be Gino Time for you?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Homework 15 ready

Homework 15 is ready to launch, which it will do at 3 PM today. There are two brain burners that will challenge everyone!

Due on Monday.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Typo in morning section's exam 2

I just re-graded exam 2 after finding a typo in one of the true/false questions. For those of you who noticed it, bravo! The "..Exam 2 scantron" score is now up to date. Most of the class gained one more point.

Uh oh

Confound it! My plan has failed. I have to cancel tonight's homework. Not enough time.

But everyone can read section 6.1 to prepare for lecture on Friday and the gigantic HW you will definitely have this weekend.

Heads up: Homework about supper time

HW tonight is going to be a bit later than I told you this morning. Look for it maybe about supper time.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


If you want to start estimating your semester grade -- as if I were to award it now -- you can refer to these two new files in Webcourses:
  1. Homework log, which gives you a rundown of the homework points we have had so far this semester. These homework points will be converted to 20 points on your semester grade, as discussed in the syllabus. The homework log is linked to the homework folder, at the top of the page.
  2. i>Clicker 2 log, which does the same thing for how many clicker questions we have asked in class so far. The number of i>Clicker 2 questions you answer will also be converted to another 20 points on your semester grade, as discussed in the syllabus. Look for this log file linked to the course home page, with the little i>Clicker 2 icon.
The HW subtotal and i>Clicker 2 subtotals you have earned are also on your My Grades page in Webcourses. With your subtotals and the log files, you can get an estimate of your clicker and HW pointage.

In addition to the HW and clicker pointage, you have exam pointage that goes straight into the semester grade without conversion.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Homework 14 is UP.

You can start working on Homework 14 at 3:45 PM. It is due, as usual, at the beginning of your lecture on Wednesday.

It behooves you to read the remainder of chapter 5 before tackling this HW.

Doppler shift, freight trains

There are tons of rail fans uploading to YouTube, and many of their videos let you listen to a nice Doppler shift. Here is one we listened to in lecture today -- one among zillions that you could listen to.

Listen to the trains blow their horn, in the first 45 sec. or so, then a bell ringing at 5:20 and and an excellent horn at 7:15.

Standing waves from spring semester

Take a look at the standing wave demonstration from last spring, Gloria and Lee operating the Slinky.
You can read more about standing waves and harmonics on pp. 129-130 of our present textbook.

Here is another YouTube, with Amanda and Rylee. They actually get up to the 2nd excited state. Nice.

Sound fights

Unfortunately, the morning lecture is chopped into three parts, the middle part being slides but no audio. I am not sure what happened, but I will make sure the afternoon podcast is a good replacements.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Exam 2 scores are UP.

I just uploaded the scantron scores for everybody. You can now look at the clicker score, the scantron score and the total Exam 2 score.

Go have a look.

Clicker question #38 is UP.

I just posted the iClicker question points for Exam 2. It was a "heat-melt-heat" calculation.

Also, there is a new row with the actual answer you sent, plus an indication of whether it was correct or incorrect. About half of each section got it correct.

P.S. three students with unregistered iClickers did not get points.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Exam over!


Exam 2 is over. Exams are in at the test scoring center, so we will wait for a while.

So for now, rest your brains and get some ZZZ. And I will see you all for Friday regular lecture, where we will continue talking about waves and oscillations. AND more homework for the weekend.

Exam 2 today

Midterm Exam 2 today

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Expect the unexpected

Notes on heat

These two goombahs were supposed to be studying for midterm exams, but instead, they got in trouble with Chuck Norris.

Study for Exam 2, and check out the set of study notes on heat. It is linked to the homework page.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Homework 11 extends.

I am extending HW 11 to Wednesday morning, and I am setting it for one more attempt, 5 attempts available, so that everyone can get at least one more shot at the heat concepts.

This will allow you all to tie together my final remarks on heat from Monday lecture.