Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I just set up subtotals for your HW scores and both kinds of CPS score. These rows are at the top of the HW/CPS subsection of your My Grades page. Every week, I will upload new CPS scores from lecture, and Webcourses will generate HW scores. I will update HW and CPS subtotals each week.

With the subtotals, you can keep an eye on your grade's "dynamical" state and see how it evolves over time.

Some of you might see a number in parentheses. In our grade book, if at least one row referenced in the formula for the calculated subtotal has a value, a running total appears.

For example: with a formula that calculates the sum of the HW88 and HW202 scores, if there is a value in the HW88 row, e.g., 12, but not the HW202 row, the HW88 value appears as a running total, (12).

Running totals are italicized and appear in parenthesis.

After there is a value in the HW202 row, e.g., 3, the formula is completed and appears in plain text like other grade book entries, a plain old 15.