Friday, February 15, 2013

Special lecture section meeting today

Asteroid Encounter, Feb. 15

We will hold our class meeting today, Feb. 15, at the Pegasus Ballroom. Get there as early as you can -- I expect it to be crowded. We have seating set aside in the back.

  1. Be there at our regular time, 1:30 - 2:20 PM.
  2. Extra credit, 4 points on semester grade if you attend 1:30 - 2:20 PM.
  3. We will take attendance and have two questions on iClicker 2, so be sure to bring it.
  4. Sit in back near me.
  5. I will be wearing a bright red shirt!
  6. One question will be running for the first ten minutes, 1:35 - 1:40 PM.
  7. I will stand up when the second question is ready, 2:10 - 2:20 PM.