Tuesday, October 11, 2011


If you want to start estimating your semester grade -- as if I were to award it now -- you can refer to these two new files in Webcourses:
  1. Homework log, which gives you a rundown of the homework points we have had so far this semester. These homework points will be converted to 20 points on your semester grade, as discussed in the syllabus. The homework log is linked to the homework folder, at the top of the page.
  2. i>Clicker 2 log, which does the same thing for how many clicker questions we have asked in class so far. The number of i>Clicker 2 questions you answer will also be converted to another 20 points on your semester grade, as discussed in the syllabus. Look for this log file linked to the course home page, with the little i>Clicker 2 icon.
The HW subtotal and i>Clicker 2 subtotals you have earned are also on your My Grades page in Webcourses. With your subtotals and the log files, you can get an estimate of your clicker and HW pointage.

In addition to the HW and clicker pointage, you have exam pointage that goes straight into the semester grade without conversion.