For this large group, here are some specs:
- Exam 1 avg. was 72%.
- Exam 2 avg. was 71%.
- Both averages are in the normal range I look for. I never give letter grades on individual exams, but if I did, 71% and 72% would be C grades, or C+ if you count + and - letter grades.
- Looks like maybe eight people have qualified for SSG leader invitations, exam avg. 90% or more... though I have to check a few section 0003 scantrons manually, so it might be that one or two more students qualify in section 0003.
- About 9 students who took both exams have not gotten up to a passing average (50%). Usually this number is about the same as students at 90% or higher, so this is normal for exam grades.
- Don't forget, though, that in addition to exams, your CPS and homework scores will combine for a nice chunk of points, 40 points possible, by the end of the semester, which will balance out some low score effects from exams.
- So stay with it and keep doing your HW and CPS faithfully, and keep that at a high level so that you can get 38 or 39 or 40 of that CPS/HW chunk of points. Those points will come in like the cavalry at the end of the semester. Nice.