You can sign up on paper, posted on Dr. Brueckner's office door, Room PS156, Physical Sciences Building starting at 11 AM on Monday, April 22.
- Anfernee P.
- Date, time: Wednesday, April 24th at 3 PM.
- Location: UCF Library, study room
- Meet at stone benches in front of the library.
I will be wearing a Green Mustache t-shirt.
- Danielle H.
- Date, time: Tuesday 4/23 from 3-4 PM.
- Location: UCF Library
- Meet at the stone benches in front of the library. I will have on a teal colored tank top and carry a zebra print backpack.
- David R.
- Date, time: Monday, April 22, 4:00 - 5:00 PM.
- Location: UCF Library
- Meet at the flame statue in front of the library.
Visible indicator: Orange v-neck, blonde hair, black backpack
- Adam H., Last Chance Express
- Date, time: Friday, April 26, 4:00 PM.
- Location: UCF Library
- Meet at the flame statue in front of the library.
I will wear a plaid button down shirt, and have a study room reserved.
- Blake A.
- Date, time: Monday, April 22nd from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
- Location: All Knight Study @ Knights Plaza.
- I will be wearing a bright blue shirt for students to notice me.
- Drew U.
- Date, time: Tuesday, April 23rd from 3:30 to 4:30 PM
- Location: Office of Student Involvement Conference Room (Student Union, Room 208)
- Meet at the front of the office. I will be wearing a black polo.
- James M.
- Date, time: Tuesday, April 23, noon.
- Location: UCF Library
- Meet at the flame statue in front of the library. I will be wearing a blue shirt.
- Sadie M.
- Date, time: Wednesday, April 24, 1 PM - 2 PM
- Location: Classroom 1 Building
- Meet at Classroom 1, 3rd floor study area tables. I will put a sign on the table again.