By the way, what is your caption for this photo? What is #3 thinking?
You should look over this page every day. Important changes always show up here first!
By the way, what is your caption for this photo? What is #3 thinking?
We will hold our class meeting today, Feb. 15, at the Pegasus Ballroom. Get there as early as you can -- I expect it to be crowded. We have seating set aside in the back.
So if you see your Grades page changing, fear thou not!
Mercator projections of free-air gravity, topography, and Bouguer gravity. Frames in (A) highlight the area surrounding the Korolev impact basin, at center. Frames in (B) show the western limb of Oceanus Procellarum. Details of free-air and Bouguer gravity are the same as in Fig. 1. Topography is from a LOLA 1/64° grid.
Cf., Zuber et al., Science 8 February 2013: Vol. 339 no. 6120 pp. 668-671.Free-air gravity adjusts the value of g for altitude above sea level; Bouguer gravity also corrects for the mass of the rock piled up to that altitude.
1000 mGal = 1000 milliGalileos = 1 cm/sec2. So the variations are small but telling.
It happens.
So if that happened to you: I will have to dig through the gigantic pile of exams to find yours and figure out what went wrong. Then I can get the true score figured out, but it will take some time.
I have not heard yet from anybody about the scantrons, but hopefully by tomorrow (Friday) we will get those data.
I will post the iClicker 2 points tomorrow.
For now, I am going to catch up on my ZZZZZ.
I recommend the same philosophy to all of you guys. :D
Now it also turns out that the my podcasting software did not record audio yesterday!
Big disasters.
Two comments:
Side note: When we have homework assignments, they are always due at the beginning of the next lecture, 1:30 PM.