Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blooper status on HW 3

Somehow last night, when setting up Homework 4, I blooped up Homework 3 and got everybody's scores on it all discombobulated. I will try to sort it out.

Launch: Spaceflight Now | Atlas Launch Report | Atlas 5 puts science-relay satellite into orbit for NASA

Spaceflight Now | Atlas Launch Report | Atlas 5 puts science-relay satellite into orbit for NASA

I went to the Oviedo Mall last night to view this launch, but did not see it, not sure why. It should have been visible.

This satellite will be a geosynchronous satellite, like the ones I mentioned in lecture on Wednesday!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Homework 4 is ready!

You can now do an assortment of questions on Homework 4, in Webcourses2.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

iTunes U update

I just uploaded Jan. 16, Jan. 23, Jan. 25 and Jan. 28 lecture podcasts into iTunes U.

Probably a good idea to hit the GET button a few times, just to make sure you download them all.

Monday, January 21, 2013

I just uploaded the iClicker 2 data from last Wednesday's lecture. Here are some concepts to help you understand what you see in your grades page:
  1. Each lecture is indicated by the capital letter "L" followed by a number. L5 indicates Wednesday's lecture, L6 would have been Friday's lecture, L7 will be Jan. 23's lecture, and so on.
  2. The 20 points on your semester grade come the number of items you answer. See the syllabus for details.
  3. The number of items you answer is tabulated in the "answered" row. E.g., the "L5 answered" row shows how many items you answered last Wednesday.
  4. The number you actually get correct is tabulated in the row titled "correct". E.g., your "L5 correct" row states how many questions last Wednesday you actually got correct.

I am still figuring out the most graceful and efficient way to display all this data, but the data ARE in there.

Unknown iClicker 2 units

If you have one of these iClicker2's

#86328D39 or

then you are invisible to my grading software.

You must register properly, using your NID.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Motion capture

We are studying basic quantities that describe motion: position, velocity, acceleration. It is interesting to think about the motion capture software by which television and film producers create exotic beings.

Input: position, velocity, acceleration deluxe. Output: scary monsters from outer space.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Your second HW assignment is now UP in Webcourses2.

I have just finished setting up your homework in Webcourses2, due next Wednesday, 1:30 PM, the start of our next lecture.

Other than that, have a great long-weekend!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Office hours right now

Dr. Brueckner is IN.

Come to room PS158 in the Physical Sciences Building if you need to consult with the doctor, from 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM.

Early iClicker registration bonus points

I have just updated the bonus points for getting iClicker 2 registered for classes before Jan. 16.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Jan. 9 bonus points UP.

I just uploaded January 9 early iClicker 2 registration bonus points. YES! I feel as clever as Wile E. Coyote now!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Office hours

Office hours will be in room PS158, Physical Sciences Building, on Tuesday mornings, 10 - 11 AM.

Here is a YouTube about how to find the Physical Sciences Building.