Saturday, September 29, 2012

HW 7 now ready

You can now tackle HW 7.


I have been dealing with a family emergency since yesterday. I will try to get the homework up right now.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Doc cam files

You can now view the PDF scan of what we did yesterday on the document camera. Look for the doc cam folder on the Webcourses home page.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Power rates

I just looked up the power rates from Progress Energy. This works out to about $0.11 per kWh. That is about what I mentioned off the top of my head in lecture today.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The iClicker 2 data re now caught up.

The class participation data for iClicker 2 activity are now up to date. Please refer to your My Grades page.

I will try to get the early iClicker bonus squared away next.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Homework 6 is ready, and it is a DOOOOOZY!

Be ready to work your calculator to the proverbial bone in Homework 6.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Exam 1 scores UP

Your Exam 1 scores are now UP. Look in the Exam 1 row of your My Grades page in Webcourses.

The main Exam 1 score is posted along with the two subscores:

  1. "..Exam 1 scantron" = how many points you got from the scantron questions, and
  2. "..Exam 1 clicker" = your points from the iClicker 2 calculation.

I also included two rows lower down that show the actual number you entered for question 38 and another row for a comment about your #38 answer.

The average is about 70%, C+ or so if I were to give it a letter grade.

P.S. It looks like a few of you forgot to bubble in the PID or test form, so there are a few zeroes for students who clicked in answers for #38 but do not have a scantron score. This means I have to dig your scantron out of the pile and grade it by hand. Big disaster. It'll take time, maybe next week.

Fixing up gradebook

I have the data from Exam 1 now. Amazingly fast. Good.

That being the case, I have been fixing up the grade book a bit. So... expect to see rows vanish, re-appear and vanish again a few times this morning. It's normal.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Exam 1 scores tomorrow

It' been a long day.

I will be posting Exam 1 scantron scores tomorrow. Also, the iClicker 2 scores should be ready tomorrow.

Stay alert.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Homework 4 is ready.

Are you ready to get to the HW?

Homework 4 is ready for you, in the George McFly folder in Webcourses.

GO! GO! GO!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

S.I. schedule

Here is the schedule of Supplemental Instruction, S.I., for this semester, with S.I. Leader Brandon McMillan.

2:30 - 3:20 PM
3:00 - 3:50 PM
12:30 - 1:20 PM
12:00 - 12:50 PM