Monday, January 30, 2012

Bonus point question

You can earn a bonus point for your semester grade by creating a really good question for Exam 1, viz.

Post a question that you create, based on your lecture notes, readings or other materials.

Here are the rules:

  1. Create a multiple choice question with four or five options.
  2. Indicate the correct option with an * asterisk.
  3. In the Subject box, type in a short phrase that decries your question.
  4. Below your question's options, skip a few lines and type in the date of lecture or page in the textbook where another student can study up on the correct concept.
  5. Dr. B will comment or maybe ask you to revise the question.
  6. If your question is good enough to use on the exam, you will earn one bonus point; for the final exam, two bonus points.

Take a look in Discussions, and you will find the right place to post your question.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Doc cam PDF from Friday lecture

You can now look over the PDF of the scan I made from my own sketches. Look for the doc cam folder on the home page in Webcourses.

Homework, glorious homework

Your homework is ready, HW #3, in Webcourses, many lovely special nice brain burners.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Audio fail

For some reason, the audio cut out about 1/3 of the way through yesterday's lecture. All the slides (diagrams, notes etc.) are in there, but no audio after about 15 min. I will re-record the last 2/3 of lecture sometime this weekend. My apologies!


The first official iClicker 2 session was Lecture #4 (L4), last Wednesday. There were 7 questions.

I just uploaded your L4 iClicker 2 data. It breaks down into two figures:
  1. "L4 answered" which is your class participation figure, the number of items you answered, whether correctly or incorrectly.
  2. "L4 correct" which goes toward the 4 bonus points for iClicker performance, how many you answer correctly; cf. the syllabus about this.
Take a look at your syllabus and review the distinction between class participation pointage and the performance bonus. Each lecture will have two data like this. Right now, I have only uploaded L4.
To keep track of your iClicker 2 activity, I set up a log sheet, linked to the home page. It shows basic data for each session, date, number of questions.

Unregistered iClicker 2, no points for you.

I just uploaded to "Early clicker bonus..." rows in My Grades. Lots of nice juicy bonus points. Good.

The following serial numbers, however, will not accumulate any points for any clicking, either in class or on exams, until registered in Webcourses.
  1. #22563642 ←← not even an iClicker 2!
  2. #83450BCD
  3. #81C24A09
  4. #8259CF14
  5. #821A2BB3
  6. #82F73540

I will now start working on clicker data from last week and this week. More news to come.

Homework 3 is ready.

HW 3 is now ready, a few concepts and a few calculations.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It is interesting to see the interplay of forces relative to the trajectories of these aircraft landing in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

HW 2

You can now try Homework #2 in Webcourses.

It is due on Wednesday morning, 10:30 AM.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Homework 1 is now available; visual podcast ready.

Homework 1 is now ready in Webcourses. Look for the Knightro folder on our home page in Webcourses.

The homework is due on Monday, 10:30 AM, sharp, the beginning of our lecture.

You'll have four attempts on the assignment. Your grade for this assignment is the highest score you attain, so work carefully.

ALSO: Today's lecture is UP in our iTunes U area.

We will have homework this weekend.

Just to let you know -- I will be preparing a homework assignment for you all in Webcourses this weekend:
  1. available by lunchtime Saturday if not sooner, and
  2. due on Monday morning, 10:30 AM.

I will post another announcement here when the homework is ready.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

S.I. schedule

Here is the schedule for Supplemental Instruction (S.I.) this semester:
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM
COMM 147
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
BA 213
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM
COMM 147
2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
HEC 118
See if you can make at least one of these S.I. sessions each week, and it will really help with getting a nice grade.

Yesterday's lecture is up.

The visual podcast of yesterday's lecture, with
  1. diagrams
  2. outline
  3. iClicker questions
  4. etc.
is now UP in our iTunes U service.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Early iClicker 2 bonus points are UP.

I just got the iClicker 2 roster sorted out and now the bonus points are up in Webcourses if you were registered by Wednesday or by Friday. 83 students got a bonus point on Wednesday, and 138 got a bonus point on Friday. Nice.

The rest of you, get that iClicker 2 registered in Webcourses, ASAP, because today we start official class participation. If you missed registration last week, it could not hurt your grade; today, however, it starts taking bites out of your grade if you are not registered.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday lecture podcast is UP.

The visual podcast for today's lecture is now available in iTunes U.

I will be camping out in Georgia from tonight until Monday evening, so I will not be answering course mail in Webcourses for a while.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Diffraction Youtubes

We observed diffraction of laser light off the surface of a set of staples from a Swingline stapler. We also compared that to regular reflection from a small mirror.

But there are many other places where diffraction occurs, many different sources of light that diffracts. I have several YouTubes up that show diffraction in action. Look at my diffraction playlist.

I also like a diffraction YouTube from Saint Mary's Univ. up in Canada, especially from about the 0:25 mark.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Buy back rebate for old iClickers

We have to use the iClicker 2 for this class.

For those with a 1st generation iClicker (no display, no alphanumeric), there is now a buy back rebate from the iClicker company. It is a short form in PDF to mail in and get a rebate. Look in the iClicker registration folder.

Register your iClicker 2 asap, in Webcourses.

You can now register your iClicker 2 in Webcourses. Look for the iCliker 2 icons.