Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Homework 10 is ready.

You are GO for launch with HW 10. Have it squared away before your lecture on Friday.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

L15 calculation

I just uploaded your clicker data from Monday. Also:
  1. I made the calculation a two-pointer, so that I could award partial credit for a few people who rounded off incorrectly.
  2. As a study help, I inserted your actual answer, as you typed it in, in the row marked "Your answer to L15 calculation" on your My Grades page.

Afternoon podcast substitute

Substitute procedure for afternoon podcast:
Listen to the first 9:30 of the afternoon podcast→ → →switch over to the morning podcast, which follows the same basic outline.
Also: view the two doc cam PDFs, from morning and afternoon lectures. They cover the same basic ground, but slightly different numbers for the wheel example and the clicker question.

Monday afternoon podcast troubles.

I understand that the audio goes OUT on the Monday afternoon podcast, at about the 9:35 mark.

Alternate: download the morning podcast and the PDF of the morning doc cam. That was a slightly different lecture, but the same basic outline.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Homework, homework, number nine

Your homework assignment for tomorrow, HW 9, is now ready in Webcourses. Look for the video about Daryl Dawkins, a.k.a., Chocolate Thunder.

Friday, September 23, 2011

No homework, again!

In a shocking development, I have decided once again to assign no homework this weekend.

Try not to scream in agonizing mental pain without any HW for the weekend!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Exam 1 roundup

Your Exam 1 scores are up. Look at your My Grades page in Webcourses.

However, the scores for a few students are not posted yet -- special situation like your PID or exam form out of order. We will be putting those in by hand, probably tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homework 8 is ready.

By popular demand, homework is back in action. HW 8 is now up on Webcourses, and it will go active at 3 PM today.

Go for it!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Exam blurb sheets are UP.

If you look for the dancing banana on Webcourses, you can click in and get the blurb sheet for your exam form. Along with the printout we have handed back the past two lectures, the blurb sheets make a nifty study tool.

Monday, September 19, 2011

No homework tonight

I decided not to give any homework tonight.

But Wednesday, look out! We will have a ton of HW.

Office hours for Dr. B

Here are the office hours I will hold for the rest of the semester, up until the last week of the semester:

9:30 - 10:00 AM, atrium outside BA119Selected Tuesdays only, 11:00 AM - noon on these dates:
  1. Sept. 20,
  2. Oct. 4, 11, 25,
  3. Nov. 1, 15 and 29.
9:30 - 10:00 AM, atrium outside BA119--9:30 - 10:00 AM, atrium outside BA119

In late Novermber, I will announce some additional office hours for final exam week.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brain burners ahead

The exam is ready for tomorrow, including some nifty brain burners.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Earn a bonus point...

Bonus point opportunity  
You can earn 1 bonus point by creating a good multiple choice question for Exam 1. Here is the procedure:
  1. Construct a multiple choice question about a concept from the covered chapters and lectures.
  2. Label the correct option with an * asterisk.
  3. Below the question, skip a few lines and then type in the day of lecture, the homework assignment, or the page in the textbook that gave rise to your question -- this way other students can study up on this concept.
  4. Type in a short phrase in the "Subject:" box that describes the concept in your question.
  5. If your question is good enough to use on the exam, I will award you a bonus point, plus
    1. you will already know the right answer to it (one question on the exam guaranteed that you know the answer), and
    2. so will anyone who studies through this discussion area!

SO.... take a look at my example question, be creative and make your question a good one.

Your iClicker 2 is still not registered.

Here is a set of serial numbers of clickers that are attempting to click in lecture but which have no name attached.Unregistered i>clicker remotes:

You will not be getting any cliclker points until these are registered through Webcourses and only through Webcourses.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Exam 1 coverage

I was not able to get as much into Friday's lecture as I wanted, so we will keep Exam 1 to the following two areas:
  1. the parts of Chapter 24 covered in the first few lectures, and
  2. Chapter 2.
I will start Ch. 3 on energy on Friday.

Study lecture notes/podcasts. Homework and i>Clicker questions make a good mini-study guide. Don't forget the doc cam PDFs from Sept. 2, Double check the readings I mention in lecture, and then expand your reading from there.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Homework 7 about jumbo egg

Your jumbo egg homework assignment is ready now in Webcourses. It is Homework 7, due Monday before YOUR lecture section meets.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Gloria's S.I. review for Exam 1

Here are the specs for Gloria's S.I. review next Monday, to prep for Exam 1.
Exam 1 S.I. Review
Monday, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
MAP260, Math and Physics Bldg.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Loose nut behind the wheel

Uh, oh. My microphone was off for morning lecture! You all in morning section, you will have to view today's podcast from the afternoon section!

Rylee and Amanda office hours

Our TA's, Amanda and Rylee have set up office hours for the semester. They will be

Thursday 3:00 - 5:00 PM Room PS158 in the Physical Science Bldg. (PS)

Monday 3:00 - 4:30 PM Room PS158 in the Physical Science Bldg. (PS)

I highly suggest that you take time to study with Rylee or Amanda when you get a chance. You will see them in class, and they can be reached in Webcourses, using course mail.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Your clicker is unregistered if it is on this list.

Here is a set of serial numbers of clickers that are attempting to click in lecture but which have no name attached.


Remember, you have to register your i>Clicker 2 in Webcourses only. Nowhere else is appropriate.

Monday, September 5, 2011

No classes today.

It is Labor Day in the USA, so no classes.

See you on Wednesday.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Homework 5 is ready.

Callahan was not ready.

Are you ready? Homework 5 is ready for your studying pleasure. Due on Wednesday, Sept. 7th.

Friday, September 2, 2011

iTunes and doc cam, sec. 0002

I just finished up the podcast of today's afternoon lecture, plus the doc cam PDFs. GO! GO! GO!

Doc cam files

When I use the doc cam in lecture, you can take notes and sketch with me. Later I will scan my work and post it in PDF on Webcourses. Look in the folder with this icon.

Morning section 0001, your doc cam file is up. Afternoon section 0002, be ready to sketch and diagram.