1:00 PM
- Sec. 0M01 in MAP260
- Sec. 0M02 in CSB101
You should look over this page every day. Important changes always show up here first!
Make sure that you have Duracells or Energizers in your CPS device!!
The Chuck Norris Team dominates; engineering majors PWN'd. Case closed.
Rylee | Wednesday | noon - 1:30 PM | Starbucks, UCF bookstore, Washington Ctr. |
Friday | 2:00 - 5:00 PM | Room PS158 |
Amanda | ||
Thursday | 12:00 - 2:30 PM | Room PS158 |
Friday | 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Room PS158 |
There is a 4 point performance bonus for students who answer 75% of all CPS questions correctly.a number of you have earned the CPS correct bonus. Handy.
NOTE: No review sheets will be posted. Bring paper and pen.
With this special set of Chuck Norris activities, you can nab a few bonus points and make up some ground from having missed some HW assignments or CPS sessions in lecture. Nice.
Here are some other links to slightly less spectacular demonstrations of the Van de Graaff generator:
Rylee | ||
Monday | Noon - 1:30 PM | Room PS158 |
Wednesday | noon - 1:30 PM | Starbucks, UCF bookstore, Washington Ctr. |
Amanda | ||
Friday | 9:00 - 10:00 AM | Room PS158 |
Friday | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Room PS158 |
For those of you seeking to crush the final exam, these office hours can be a great secret weapon.
Therefore, I decided to fix up a list of really handy, very scientific conversion factors for you: