You can start looking at the special study groups (SSG) schedule and meeting places. Look for the blue SSG icon.
Right now we have four SSG leaders who have sent me their meeting data, and you can view their "time and place" specs, to see if thir SSG fits
your schedule next week.
More SSG "time and place" data will be coming in this weekend, from more SSG leaders, so keep an eye open for the time and place that best fits your schedule.
I have set the group size to 1, so you can view "time and place" but not click to join. But on Sunday evening or so, I will change all the group sizes to 7 -- and
THEN you'll be able to click and join. It works nicely.
Top students, exam points total = 108 or higher, please check your course mail, asap, for your SSG leadership invitation.