Friday, May 28, 2010

No scantron data!

As I predicted. It's past 5 PM, and no scantron data from midterm exam 1. So we will have to wait until Tuesday!

Homework 8 is now ready.

I delayed with the HW due to catching a nap. But HW 8 is now ready for work, and it includes a few brain burners for extra concepts and calculation.

No news yet on scantrons. I hope to hear before 5 PM tonight. Otherwise, it will be TUESDAY! :(

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Modification for tutoring hours

I received this email message from Joseph the tutor.
Dr. B. I was speaking with a student and she told me that Ken may have implied that my hours at SARC are fixed. This is not true. I am willing to change the current hours to include a session on Tuesdays from 4pm to 6pm if enough students request the change. Please forward this information to the students and let them know that if they are interested in a Tuesday evening session to please email me at
Get in touch with Joseph if this seems possible for you.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Good work on exam 1. WHEWWWW!

No homework tonight, other than if you want to watch the Magic game and review Chuck Norris facts.

See you Thursday, 2 PM, for the spatial part of the energy-momentum vector, as described in Ch. 6.

Exam 1 today

Our first midterm exam is today, 3 PM. It will have 45 questions, one point each. Bring the raspberry colored UCF scantron, calculator and pencil, plus your XR Responsecard.

See the shooting stars?

I love this YouTube from South America. You can see several shooting stars dash across the picture.

Interesting side note: The Cotopaxi volcano in Ecuador is just south of the Equator, at 0°40' South latitude. So it is interesting to work out the location of the camera. South of the volcano? West? North? East?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The S.A.R.C. tutoring schedule is

Monday10 AM - 1:30 PM
Tuesday10 AM - 12:30 PM
Wednesday10 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: Student Academic Resource Center in Howard Phillips Hall, Room 115
You can stay for the whole two hours, one hour, 30 minutes, whatever length of time. You can come anytime during the scheduled times. No Appointment Necessary

Supportive, Caring, Motivational, Trained, Certified, Inspirational, Dedicated, Committed, Hard-Working Tutors!

Molto homework on the way

There will be three big nice homework assignments tonight:
  1. HW 5, some more about circular trajectories and a mini-review
  2. HW 6, parabolic arcs and gravitation
  3. HW 7, parabolic arc brain burners

Monday, May 24, 2010

Homework 4 is up.

Your big homework #4 is up, and you should try to skim through chapter 4 as you tackle this assignment... as well as keeping your lecture notes handy.

Visual podcast is up, as is the doc cam PDF for today.

Exam 1 is Wednesday.

Midterm exam 1 is Wednesday. Looks like it will cover Ch. 2-5. Lots of homework tonight and tomorrow night.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Interesting density figures for extraterrestrial planets

The article, "Extrasolar planets: Larger than they ought to be," in Nature this week has some interesting specs for these "hot Jupiter" planets recently discovered around nearby stars. Most of them could float in water!

This is helpful to glance at because we will be studying
  1. density,
  2. radiative heat transport and
  3. gravitation with its tidal effects.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Homework is ready

Your homework assignment HW 3 is ready and will go active at lunchtime. In order to get ready:
  1. Get some graph paper.
  2. Prepare for a few brain burners!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


What a sweet looking set of constituent forces. I think they might even be good enough for homework. Nice.

iTunes U alternate link

I worked out a new link for our iTunes U visual podcast area. It has the guitar icon on the Webcourses homepage. Post in Discussions to let me know how it works. I tried it out after lecture with a student, and she clicked right through.

iTunes U

Please post questions about using iTunes U in the "Getting into iTunes U" discussion area in Webcourses. I would like to hear your reports, successful or trouble. It is always tricky the first few times of the semester.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Doc cam PDF is up.

Today's doc cam work is up in the doc cam folder in Webcourses. However, iTunes U is currently rejecting me from adding today's podcasts. :( Hopefully they will get that squared away soon.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You can try the $5.99 eChapters.

If you want to obtain a regular or electronic version of the textbook from the publisher, you can click the eChapters link on the Webcourses home page. The eChapters are secure PDF, $5.99 each.

Syllabus is available.

Students coming to class for the first time today, the syllabus is available in Webcourses. It is a PDF that you can save onto your own computer and print out for yourself.

This PDF also corrects the typo we discovered this afternoon in the original handout. Good.

Visual podcast up in two slices

The visual podcasts have all the diagrams and equations, notes and concepts from my Keynote presentation. It is in the artwork track of the .m4a file, just like a very complicated album cover. You have to hit the GET button to download the artwork, though.

I split up today's visual podcast into two pieces.

The doc cam PDF is in Webcourses now, in the doc cam folder, Saturn icon. The diagrams from the doc cam come in at about 6:40 on the second podcast of today.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Doc cam file for today is UP.

I just dropped today's doc cam PDF into the doc cam folder in Webcourses.  Go have a look.

Also, the podcast of today's lecture is up in our iTunes U area.  See if you can find your way in.

No HW tonight!

Due to delays in lecture today, we will not have homework tonight.

Please do not cry a river of tears, since I know how much ALL students love homework.

Tomorrow night, YES, we will have some HW for sure.

Welcome aboard!

Summer A students, we have our first lecture this afternoon, 2:00 - 3:50 PM.

We will have some observation work to do, so bring your eyeballs and cell phone cameras, notebook and calculator, be ready at 2 PM sharp. I will also cover the syllabus. We will have homework tonight, inside Webcourses.

Welcome aboard.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Chuck Norris Extreme Combo Bonus points = UP

I used a hugely scientific combo formula to convert your two Chuck Norris review activities down to 1 or 2 bonus points, viz. 75% correct on the Chuck Norris Mega-HW = +1 bonus, and 75% correct on the Chuck Norris SMA = +1 bonus point. Add them together and look at the "Chuck Norris Extreme Combo Bonus" row of your My Grades page.

This completes the pointage for Spring Semester 2010.

Chuck Norris Extreme Combo Bonus

I am now working on the Chuck Norris Mega-Combo bonus conversion. The bonus point from the homework and the bonus point from the SMA review will be "combined" into one sum. We call it the Extreme Combo Effect, somewhat like getting kicked from two directions.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Do not bug me about semester grades.

Do not bug me about semester grades for a few days.

Failure to comply with this request will be dealt with in a gravitational manner.

Section 0004, go look!

You MWF section 0004 students finally catch a break: your scantrons got graded in one business day, for once. The scores are up.

For reasons I explained in lecture, all your points are in the "..Final exam scantron" row, and the "..Final exam SMA" row is unused, which is why you get the ( ) parentheses. But the "Final examination" row is calculated normally, and it is your final exam score.

Now I will start putting together semester grades. Do not bug me about them for a day or so, please.

OK, now they are UP.

Section 0003, your scantron scores are now up. This "..Final exam scantron" + "..Final exam SMA" add up to your final exam score, out of 80 possible.

That "Final examination" row of My Grades is also running now. It is the sum of your SMA and scantron.

You guys in section 0004, no word yet from test scoring on your scantrons. :(

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Exam scores, section 0003

T/Th section 0003 has scantron scores are back. I will be posting them later today, after I get the online students going with their final exam. WHAT A WEEK!!