Friday, March 28, 2008

HW 14 is up, and some tough brain burners

There are a few brain burners in HW 14, which is now up and ready for study. You will want to have your lecture notes plus the textbook (chapters 20 and 21) handy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Phase diagrams

There is a new blurb page about phase diagrams, which we discussed yesterday in lecture. So take a look in the Lecture Files in Webcourses. There is even a data sheet if you feel like graphing it up on graph paper. SWEEEET

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

HW 13, excellent

Homework HW 13 is now up and running, due on Thursday morning. I recommend keeping chapter 20 handy, especially p. 420, when you grapple this homework.

Grades are UP for exam 3

Your exam 3 scores are now posted.

As you can see from this screen grab, the total score is broken down into two parts,

  1. Exam 3 scantron
  2. Exam 3 SMA
They add up to the Midterm exam 3 total.

SMA Bonus item
A little bit down the My Grades page is the row for "Exam 3 SMA bonus (subscore)," which indicates whether you got the SMA bonus item. This point, if you earned it, is in the Exam 3 SMA points above and therefore in your Midterm exam 3 total.

Bonus points for SSG and for bonus questions will be set up later this week in the bonus points area of your My Grades page.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Have a great weekend, and see you all next Tuesday! I will now go home and snoooooze.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

About pendulum periodicity

Chapter 15 has a nice diagram about the forces on a pendulum mass, Fig. 15-3, I think. We treat a pendulum just as if it were a spring IF its amplitude of oscillation is only a few degrees left and right of vertical.

I just activated a new page, "Why a pendulum behaves periodically, like a spring." It has a bunch of diagrams, for those of you who want some extra depth of knowledge. No trig, no calculus, just proportional right triangles. Look for this in the Lecture Files.

Quantum teleportation and our vocabulary

In Lecture Files, I have set up another blurb sheet that has a really fancy-shmancy diagram about quantum teleportation. We will not have to do any calculations or questions on the exam about quantum teleportation, but have a look at the vocabulary in the caption. There is a TON of PSC1121 concepts in there!!



The table of electric field concepts in Tuesday's lecture was defective, with notation F dx and E dx instead of F Δx for work and E Δx for the field analog to work. This image shows the corrected notation. Our notation for work has always been F Δx.

Note: this same page of the lecture PowerPoint is now in Webcourses, in the Lecture Files area, as a PDF.

Office hours with Dr. B today

In case you cannot make one of the SSG sessions, perhaps you can stop by the Starbuck's in the bookstore, center campus,
  1. 8:00-9:45 AM
  2. 2:45-4:15 PM
Bring questions, calculator and ruler... in case we need to sketch some waveforms.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Get a bonus question in!

I am still open for bonus point questions, in Discussion area for midterm 3. If I use your question on the exam, it will be worth bonus points, and bonus points are always nice to get.

Monday, March 17, 2008

SSG now open for everyone

OK, special study groups (SSG) are now open so that anybody can register for one of the sessions. Look for this blue and white icon on our home page, and see if one of the groups fits into your schedule.

Some of the groups are already full, so JUMP TO IT!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Special study groups = GO FOR LAUNCH

Students can now sign up for special study groups. Look for this blue icon on our Webcourses home page. Almost all of them are ready to join. I have configured the signups page so that students with test average less than 75% get first shot at SSG.

Monday night after vacation, I will open up SSG to anyone in class.

Join now!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

HW 12 is UP

Your homework assignment is ready, HW 12. It is due on Thursday!